India getting together for a single cause is really a great sight to watch which generally happens only during Cricket Matches. But in the last few days the scenario seems to be changed here and the world has witnessed this change guided by non-violence movement which used to prevail only during the Pre-Independence struggle led by Gandhiji. The Anna Hazare movement for eradication of the evil of corruption got people at large on the streets. People even with the tiniest hope of removal of corruption from our system open heartedly welcomed this movement and tried to be a part of the system in one or the other way. The demand was for a body LOKPAL to be formed which could work independently and take care of the issues pertaining to corruption in the Government itself. This movement got the government heart beating and so finally they had to accept the bill prepared by the Civil Society under the guidance of Anna Hazare. But just before the final acceptance by Government there were just 3 issues which were to be sorted out. And one of the three issues was Appointment of Lokayukta in the states through the Lokpal. Having a first look on this point a common man would think about the issue in not accepting such a small point. But its the Federal Structure of our Constitution which made government think before accepting this point.
The Indian Constitution is a federal structure as a clearly visible demarcation of boundaries between central and the state government similar to that of America could be seen. This clearly reflects in the Legislative and Executive authority divided between the centre and the state. This is the first and foremost thought that strikes a common man on hearing Federalism.
There are some essentials for a traditional federal system, namely, Supremacy of the Constitution, Division of power between the Union and State Governments, Existence of an independent Judiciary, Rigidity in the procedure for the amendment of Constitution. Blending of these essentials in a constitution gets it to a federal structure.
A federal constitution establishes a duly polity with well defined horizons of authority between the Union and the States, to be exercised in the fields assigned to them respectively. They generally cannot intervene into authorities of each other. But whenever there is a common issue arising then the Judiciary comes into play if not mentioned in the constitution. If any dispute between the Union and State arises for which there is already a mention in the constitution then judiciary would mostly go by the constitution unless it feels the need of the hour to have a thought over it.
A Written Constitution is also an essential for a constitution to be federal. The essentials of Supremacy and Rigidity of the Constitution can be worked upon much easily on a written form of Constitution. It is not that any law is passed at the center but it is the Constitution itself that divides the Legislative and Executives between the Union and the States.
India is sometimes also claimed to be non-federal in matters where Center impinge upon the areas to be intervened by state only. It infringes the principle of federalism and hence also said to be in a unitary form of government. The phenomena of such unitary form of government arise only during the period of wars or emergency period.
An issue involved over the exercise of sovereign powers by the Indian states in the matter of State of West Bengal v/s Union of India for which the apex court held that the Indian Constitution did not propound the principle of absolute federalism.
In Gangaram Moolchandani v/s State of Rajasthan the Supreme Court said “Indian Constitution is basically federal in form and is marked by the traditional characteristics of a federal system, namely supremacy of the Constitution, division of power between the Union and States and existence of Independent Judiciary.”
In the case of Kesavananda Bharati v/s State of Kerala, the Supreme Court gave the ‘Basic Structure Doctrine’ in which it states that Parliament can in no terms alter the basic structure of the constitution like secularism, democracy, federalism and separation of powers.
The Supreme Court is an independent authority to declare the Acts of the Union and States ultra-vires if either of them entrenches the defined powers of each other.
So a very well written constitution has helped us maintain the federal structure granted to us by itself. So just barring certain situations Indian Constitution is a federal structure.